jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

Which is your favourite...?

Which is your favorite...?

Films:- Comedy: Raid Dingue.
           - Romance: The fault in our starts.
           - Horror: It.

-Comedy:-It's a funny film.
                -It's not a interesting film.

-Romance:-It's a romantic film.
                  -It's not a horror film.

-Horror:-It's ahorror film.
             -It's not a funny film.

In our reviw we are going to compare three fims.
Raid Dingue is a comedy film. It's very funny but it's ot very interesting.
The flaut in our starts is a romance. It's a good film but it's not very funny.
'It' is a horror film. It's a scary film.

In our opinion, Raid Dingue is funnier than The flaut is our starts.
In our opinion, The flaut is our starts is more interesting than Raid Dingue.
In our opinion, 'It' is a more misterious film than The flaut is our starts.

In conclusion 'It' is the best film.
We're giving it 4 starts because We like mistery films more than the others. 

 Resultado de imagen de fotos raid dingueResultado de imagen de fotos the fault in our starsImagen relacionada

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