martes, 1 de mayo de 2018


Resultado de imagen de fotos de balaguer

- Name: Simon Mcfurry.
- Email:

Name: Alexandra Papell.
-  Email:


I'm in Balaguer. I arrived five days ago and it's been great. Have you ever been?
- I've done lots of different things that I've enjoied. I've visited a castle. I have bought souvenirs,...

I've visited the "Castell Formos" from Balaguer. Bheind the remaining ruins of the castle there is a story dealing with an Andalusian king who killed  fierdely, a Christian king. Who was apraid of the revenge from the sou.

I haven't met any fried but I have visited a lot of places. For exemple, on Monday morning I went to bought souvenirs. Then I enjoyed a medieval trip. After this, I visited quikly another town and I bought a delicious " Coca de Recapte". Finally, I visited the Wall in Balaguer.

See you next week!!!